5 Words to Save Your Child from Feeling Awkward by Tia Jordan

childrengroupsThis week during a call back for a TVC (TV Commercial) I had the great privilege of working with a handful of talented children who were also doing their individual call back auditions.
All of the children were likeable in very different ways. They used their intelligence and took direction well. Some of them had been in TVCs before either as extras or in featured roles. Some hadn’t done any TV work yet.
All the kids were a little bit nervous. But even without a parent in the room (which is the norm) they handled their nerves well and most managed to keep a sense of playfulness and humour.
There was however one indirect piece of direction that most of the young hopefuls didn’t seem to notice. “That’s all we need today”.
This soft farewell command is universally recognised amongst adults but for kids under the age of say 10, it’s more a call to ‘Stay ready for more instructions’. And it was a bit awkward – for the adults at least.
My suggestion:
Explain to your child that at the end of the audition someone on the casting panel may say, “Thank you. That’s all we need today.” At that time your child could ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” If there’s nothing else they want it’s best your child collects their things, says “Thank you”, then leaves the room (whilst continuing to be cheerful).
One more thing – whether they love your audition or not, the farewell will be similar. That’s all we need for today.
Chookas for your auditions and stay tuned for info on Young Talent Time Audition Workshops, and Brisbane Annie Audition Workshops.
Tia Jordan