Featuring sneak previews of works in development, guest artists and live music – it will be a night of you moving!
All proceeds from this event go towards securing rehearsal space for youMove’s 2010 Choreographic Residency Program where guest emerging and established choreographers will be given an opportunity to begin development of new work on the company.
youMove has a had a great 2010 thus far. The company featured in the Sydney Festival First Night program, then began work on its first creative development project funded by Arts NSW. Most recently youMove was seen hotting up the stage at the 2010 Short Sweet+Dance Festival performing three company works and walking away with two awards Most Outstanding Choreography-Sean Marcs Best Female Performer-Anna Healy But youMove is still run by mostly heart, inspiration and a whole heap of voluntary time by both the dancers and its Artistic Director, Kay Armstrong. We need your help to continue into 2010 and beyond. youMove relies upon the generous in-kind support of WSDA and Riverside Theatres but it is not enough to see us through 2010.
So get on down and support this unique, motivated and inspired group of dance artists – make dance happen!
Friday May 14th 8pm
Lennox Theatre Parramatta
All tickets $20
Bookings call 8839 3399 or http://www.riversideparramatta.com.au
For more info on Western Sydney’s hottest dance company hit http://www.youmovedance.com.au