B-boy Blond recently came to our attention on this year’s series of So You Think You Can Dance Australia! DanceLife had a chat with him recently to find out just a bit more about this enigmatic young man and what come next for him now!
Bboy Blond has been b-boying since he was 13. He’s well known for his power moves from back in 2001 when ‘Bboy Jam 2001’ video released. At the time, He was alway having blonde hair and people start calling him ‘Blonde guy from Korea’ and bboy Baek (BCone world final 2008 participant) who is from his crew Extreme started calling him ‘Blond’. He used to have only power moves but he has more style on top of his power lately. In 2010, he decided to move to Sydney. He was struggling with making money from bboying in Sydney but he didn’t give up dancing and met his crew SKB. Australian television audiences met Bboy Blond earlier this year when he made it to the top 6 of So You Think You Can Dance Australia and brought Bboying into the spotlight. Here, Blond talks to DanceLife about bboying, So You Think You Can Dance and an upcoming bboy competition he is in, Redbull BC One Asia:
What made you start Bboy-ing?
I had no dream or passion before I started dancing. Bboying gave me the passion and I had lots of fun doing it and realised that this is what I want to do Then I spent more time with training and competing.
When did you realise that you were good enough to make a career out of it?
I was pretty bad when I started. I was really skinny with no muscles and had no strength but I trained really hard and I got better than the others who were better than me, I thought ‘yes, this is the way I want to go’. It was so much enjoyable.
Would you like to tell us a bit about your time on So You Think You Can Dance Australia? (for example, some highs and lows)
That was amazing. Nothing better than that. It’s only once I can have in my life and I loved to be there. I learned so much from every dancer and people with passion and effort. I hope I can use other dance skills for sometime.
What is it about BBoying that you love so much?
I like bboying cause it is comprised of a number of different styles. We do have basics moves but we care more about creating a character and having your own style. This would be the big difference compared to the other dance genres. Also, it has lots of technical movement – sometimes we are upside down and bboying is the only style that has this.
What are you currently doing?
I’m currently training hard for competitions. Redbull BC One Asia is coming soon (October 25th) and I also have some other competitions. In the US – I’m on the way there soon!
Could you tell us a little more about Redbull BC One?
Redbull BC One is the one of the biggest one-on-one bboying competitions in the world. I’m pretty sure that most of bboys would like to be a part of it. For myself, it’s first time I have had the chance participate – I am very excited! You can check out BC one Asia on Redbull BC One website on 25th October.
Obviously you still need to train everyday to keep your body in peak physical condition. How many hours a day do you train and what does it entail?
I do train 3 hours per day and try at least 4 days in a week. Usually do 5 days. Sometime its’ really hard but I’m a person who is enjoy practice. I believe that ‘No train, no gain’. haha
Being from Korea originally, what are your thoughts on the Australian dance scene?
It was pretty poor when I just moved to Australia but it gets better now.
However we as bboys need to dedicate more so more people support us. I hope we can have more supporter or sponsors like Red Bull
And finally, what advice do you have for aspiring Bboys out there?
FOCUS and practice harder than you think! Learn as many as moves you can and practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!!

About Red Bull BC One
Red Bull BC One is the one-on-one B-Boy World Championship. 2014 marked a record year for Red Bull BC One, with over 1500 B-Boys competing across the globe in over 90 Cyphers to earn their spot in one of the upcoming finals. From Azerbaijan to Ukraine, up-and-coming B-Boys and veterans alike battled for a chance to represent their country in the next round. North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East Africa and Western Europe have already had their Finals. Now its just Asia Pacific’s turn and their final is being held in Taipei, Taiwan on October 25th. Watch it live on www.redbullbcone.com. Don’t miss out on the premier dance event of the year!
If BBoy Blond progresses through his Finals round he will be competing at the World Final – Paris, France Saturday, November 29, 2014
Find out more:
Online community: www.redbullbcone.com