Last night Australia said Bye, Bye, Bye to Jesse and Max after the judges decided they were the weakest links in the bottom three couples. The lucky ones Stephen and Ash-Leigh and Amy and Damien were saved and will be back this Sunday night. I was as surprised as Jesse was at his departure but remember this is a reality TV Show and the producers would of course like to keep a Latin dancer in the competition a little longer. No doubt about it Jesse is an amazing dancer and a true loss to the competition. When Jason delivered the verdict he did mention that the decision wasn’t unanimous. I’m guessing Jason wanted to save Jesse. Max was told very quickly that she was out. This decision was an easy one for Jason I’m sure. Not only because of what happened earlier in the series but because she was the weakest dancer out of the girls.
On a brighter note how amazing was the opening group performance choreographed by Kelley Abbey. It was hot, strong, clean and sexy. The video is below. Shame about not being able to use the original track. Couldn’t TEN throw the artist of the song and extra $5 for using the track on the web??