The Idol Dancers

The Idol Dancers

Wes Carr took out the Australian Idol Crown for 2008 last night but I was more interested in the dancing. The opening number choreographed by Kelley Abbey and assisted…
Kelley Choreographs Idol Finale

Kelley Choreographs Idol Finale

Kelley Abbey will be choreographing a special number for the finale of this year’s Australian Idol. Kelley is selecting 20 of our best dancers to perform in this…
The Teacher

The Teacher

The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains, The superior teacher demonstrates, The great teacher inspires. – William Arthur Ward Dance teachers a…
Jack & Mia

Jack & Mia

We know he can dance but Jack Chambers, the winner of the first series of So You Think You Can Dance, was pulling out all stops when he had a six-hour private dance lesson wi…


Andre Fuentes has been a dancer and choreographer for most of his life. Having danced with Britney Spears for most of her career Andre has certainly had some amazing ex…
Jason Winters

Jason… His Life So Far

DanceLife is extremely lucky to have the amazingly talent Jason Winters on board as one of our bloggers. Enjoy Jason’s first blog! The end of my travels here in Au…

Kane Bonke Answers Your Questions

Each month DanceLife’s ‘Body Stylist’ Kane Bonke will be answering your questions about all things health and nutrition. For more information o…

Stephen Says Hello Again to the USA

I find myself spending hours in front of the computer screen watching videos on YouTube of dance classes and performances and am totally spellbound by some of the amazi…

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