Support Act Help Expanded

Health & Wellbeing
Support Act Wellbeing Helpline Now Available to All Arts Workers 1800 959 500 Support Act is delighted to announce that its Wellbeing Helpline has been expanded bey…


New Ground Collective presents Stage Inside Creative Challenges Motivating & Supporting Dancers Affected by COVID19 After witnessing the devastating effect…

Your Dance Stories (Pt1)

Health & Wellbeing
A Blessing in Disguise Hello! My name is Hayley Tiernan and, simply put, I adore dance. I love it more than anything else in the world. When isolation first started and I h…

Support Act Funding

Health & Wellbeing
Music Industry Welcomes Federal Funding for SupportAct Providing Crisis Relief to Artists during COVID-19 The Board, management and staff of Support Act have welco…

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