Who’s Your Baghdaddy?

Musical Theatre
Australia’s First Online Full Musical Production 5 Online Shows Only | June 24-28 During the current Covid-19 restriction, the arts community has been compel…

From NYC with LOVE

Musical Theatre
A Musical Love Letter from Aussie Performer Kurt Phelan From the Epicentre of New York City, Saturday 23 May 10am This Saturday 23rd May at 10am (Australian EST)  will b…

Adelaide Cabaret Festival

Musical Theatre
Life is Still a Cabaret in 2020! Bite-Sized and Home Delivered Festival | June 5-20 Adelaide Cabaret Festival is going digital with a curated collection of bite-sized…

New Premiere Dates for Frozen

Musical Theatre
Frozen The Musical Rescheduled Now Opens December 1 Due to the COVID-19 situation globally, and in line with all current restrictions and advice from the Federal and S…

Heart Sounds

Musical Theatre
Artists Come Together to Celebrate International Nurses Day Heart Sounds, May 12, 7pm HEART SOUNDS is an online concert streaming on International Nurses Day, Tuesd…

Lights Up On The Arts

Musical Theatre
Cast Announced for Online Concert Celebrating Aussie Musical Theatre Monday May 11, 7pm, Facebook Live James Cutler and Joshua Robson Productions are thrilled to an…

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