Closing Miss Rosie’s

Touching Short Film Salutes Local Dance Studios Struggling in 2020

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Dancing couple Rowena and Joel Rasmussen have been inspired by the struggles of the dance industry this year to create a short dance film entitled Closing Miss Rosie’s. The film is a touching tribute to all grassroots dance studios who are the springboard of opportunity and growth for so many dancers – both professional dancers and those who still hold their childhood dance memories and experience close to their heart.

You can watch Closing Miss Rosie’s now via Facebook at:

“This year has been hard for all who work in the arts. I know collectively, we all feel it when any part of our industry is bleeding out. So many dance studios closing… so many shows shut down… live music venues still facing imminent closure and so much more,” said creators Rowena and Joel Rasmussen.

“What I didn’t expect was how affected I was every time I heard about a dance studio closing. I have vivid memories of my years at my dance studio. I remember how much I loved dancing and how it made me feel.”

“2020 has been rough. Joel and I made this film for our fellow dancers, for the Dance Studios who made it through so far, but most especially for those that didn’t.”

The film features Tiana Lung as the adult Mia remembering her time as a young dancer at Miss Rosie’s. Shiloh Electric Rasmussen plays Young Mia.  Dance teacher Miss Rosie is played by Sydney dance teacher Angelique Cassimatis.

Rowena is the writer, producer and director; with her husband Joel the editor and director of photography. Crew consisted of Dylan Mahoney, Ben Montague, Richie Miller, Camille Baldassari, Mason Brock, Jordan Mahoney and Lana Kristensen.

All but one person who were involved in this short film are, or were once, dancers. It was a special project for all as they reminisced about their own experiences as a young child dancing taking dance lessons.

“Making this was special for all of us,” said Rowena.

The creators wish to place a special thanks to Jerrika Howley, Daniella Papa, Briden Starr, Johanna van Althuis-Jones and Sammy Silva in making this project happen.

Watch via Vimeo:  [Password CMR2020]