That’s right! SYTYCD is coming back for a third season after having a successful second season. So what will they do this time to mix it up a little bit… As far as we know all three judges will be returning to the panel. Although people are constantly complaining about Bonnie apparently she comes with the show. There is no SYTYCD Australia without her? There are no reports on whether Nat Bass has been signed back on as the host of the third season. We all presume she will be but who knows. Maybe flavour of the month Ruby Rose might be trying to get her claws into dance. At the end of the day it’s about the dancing… Well it’s meant to be about the dancing anyway.
Rumour has it that last years audition numbers were down and they were trying hard to get as many people as possible lining up in hope that they could be Australia’s Favourite Dancer. Although confidence has a hue part of being a dancer there are SO many wonderfully talented dancers in our nation that would not go near the show if they were paid huge amounts of money to do so. Some of these dancers have been practising their craft their whole life and for it all to be taken away from them in a minute by one comment from a ‘judge’ in front of the entire country is not worth it. If you are a strong cookie and can dance this show is for you otherwise work your way up the normal way. Through hard work, determination and making contacts.
Check out www.ten.com.au/dance for audition information.