‘Locked or Free’

Dancer Opportunity in Music Video
Songwriter Anthony Barbarich is seeking 2x female choreographers or advanced dancers for a music video. This is a paid job.
Lyrical Meaning
The song will be a funk song called ‘Locked or Free’.
The meaning behind the lyrics: Are you being who you are or are you being what someone thinks you should be? Do you believe in yourself and groove that you are following?
When you hear the song you dance as to how the song makes you feel. You get to improvise as much as you want to. Then from there we collaborate together and see what dance moves are the best from the improvising that has been done.
You will be dancing in front of the mirror while you get ready to go out. I think when people are in front of the mirror they sing and they dance like no one is looking. And that is the idea behind the music video.
The beat you feel is it locked or free?
Naturally you get to hear the song and hopefully it is funky enough to dance to.
Dancer 1 will start off in the music video and then Dancer 2 will come about halfway through the song but again we collaborate and see what works best for the song.
There is no nudity in this music video. Applicants must be 18 years plus.
This is a collaboration process where we work on ideas together to make the music video the best it can possibly be. The successful dancers must be able to improvise and express themselves freely.
There will be a pre-rehearsal and discussion before the day of the music video.
Style Inspiration will be Prince – the clothes and look from the ‘Dirty Mind’ (great album!) era as the inspiration for the music video ‘Locked or Free’.
Chippendale, Sydney
Rehearsal / Production Dates
Looking to commence in mid to late December. The determining factor will be when the song is completed so quite possibly early January 2018.
To apply contact Anthony at anthonybarbarich@hotmail.com or on M: 0408 855 776
Send in your show reels, bios, headshots and resume to the above email.