The Dream Dance Company presents GENESIS, the birth of a new Australian commercial dance company featuring an all star cast of the top professional dancers in Australia. Directed and choreographed by two of Australia’s leading creative forces Marko Panzic and Stephen Tannos this show is set to redefine dance in theatre! Earlier this month DanceLife had the opportunity to interview some of the talented cast of The Dream Dance Company. Here in this two-part series we ask company members questions about this exciting new company and their journeys as dancers. In part 2 we are featuring Symiko Dvds, Eden Petrovski, AliceRobinson and Joseph Donovan. Enjoy!
What does it mean to be a part of the dream dance company?

SYMIKO: To start with it’s amazing, a real dream come true to be recognised for the hard work and training I have done over the past 16 years. It is so special to me that Marko & Stephen saw something in me that they believed in and wanted to share with the rest of the Australian dance community. It has given me hope that there is a niche for me out there in this industry and this opportunity comes as such a privilege to dance alongside the stellar cast and work with the amazing production team!
JOSEPH: For years I have been inspired by so many of the cast members whether they have been my teacher, role model or even some of my best friends. I feel so honoured to have this opportunity to, not only perform with the people I have looked up to for so long, but to learn and grow as a dancer alongside them. Being a part of this company is something I feel is invaluable
EDEN: It’s a wonderful experience that i am privlliged to be apart of. I thank Marko and Stephen for giving me this incredible opportunity to perform in Genesis along side an amazing cast of other dancers from the Australian dance industry.

ALICE: To be a part of the Dream Dance Company means so much to me as a contemporary dancer! The calibre of the cast is absolutely insane! I love that I will be able to train with such diverse artists whose strengths lie in different areas of dance! That’s the best part; we can inspire each other and bring together a killer show! It is something else to be able to work with Marko Panzic and Stephen Tannos, huge strengths in today’s industry!
What was your journey to get here?
SYMIKO: I grew up in Mount Gambier a small country town in South Australia where I danced at MJ DANCE STUDIO I was the typical competition kid competing at eisteddfods religiously. When my family relocated at age 15 to the Gold Coast I continued my training at DANCE FORCE where I truly found my uniqueness in quality and movement, I was also exposed to so much up there, mentors, teachers and experiences, it is where my teaching career also began. In 2013 I went to ADF on the invite of SARAH BOULTER. It was the first time I had been to Sydney and was blown away to know that there was a whole underground world of dancers that were just like me, it was incredible. I was lucky enough to win a scholarship to attend EV&BOW full time so in 2014 I moved to the big smoke on my own, dreams in my hand and trained under the influence of the incredible faculty lead by the wonderful Sarah Boulter. Throughout the year I was exposed to the fabulous Mr Marko Panzic and Stephen Tannos and this is where my DREAM journey begins!
JOSEPH: In 2008 my friends started going to a hip hop class on a Thursday night at the local dance studio. Some how I got dragged along too and ended up loving it! Soon, one hip hop class turned into two and then next thing I know I’m in Bloch buying my first pair of ballet shoes. Since then I have trained hard and fuelled my passion for dance. I have learnt from some amazing teachers and have made some incredible friends, both of which have taught me so much. They inspire me everyday to keep growing into the best version of myself that I can be. I don’t think I could be the dancer I am today without those people encouraging, inspiring, pushing and supporting me.

EDEN: It started with many years of training and dedication not only from myself but from my family mentors and tutors, who have travelled with me on this incredible journey which has lead me to this fantastic opportunity.
ALICE: Growing up in a small town means your access to a huge amount of dance is obviously limited! I was lucky enough to take so many workshops as a kid all over Queensland which really fuelled that passion to get to Sydney as soon as I finished school! I was lucky enough to train under incredible mentors ; Jason Winters , Sarah Boulter and Lisa Bowmer through my 2 years of Fulltime training in sydney and work with many more incredible choreographers and artists in my year out of fulltime. As soon as the audition was posted I knew that no matter who the cast , it was going to change Australian Commercial Dance and bring dance to the forefront! I am incredibly humbled and excited for the creative process and line up of shows!
What does The Dream Dance Company mean for Australian dance?
SYMIKO: It gives us hope. I believe it is the benchmark for aspiring dancers, it allows us all to know that there are people out there making this happen it is not a false reality it’s totally achievable. I can’t credit Marko and Stephen enough the opportunities they are providing to Australian dance. Every person in the Australian dance community has something to benefit from this opportunity. The kids in the audience have something to be inspired by, the teachers get to feel the sense of pride and us dancers on stage are blessed to be able to live our dreams, performing on our own soil.

JOSEPH: The Dream Dance Company is a unique blend of creativity and passion. Directed by two of the industries leading artistic minds and brought to the stage by some of the most breathtaking performers, this is huge for Australian dance. Appealing to both performers and the general public, audiences will see the type of creative magnificence and innovation our country can create. Aussie dance doesn’t know what’s coming!
EDEN: What the dream company means for Australia is that Australian dancers don’t always have to move overseas to be apart of a prestigious company. We have so much talent here in Australia and this is a fantastic way to get dance out there a reignite the fire back into the Australian dance community. It takes individual like Marko and Stephen that are brave and creative to produce projects like this for Australian dancers to be part of. This is our dream.
ALICE: As a bit of a quirky contemporary dancer it is incredible to have the chance to work with other diverse dancers in a professional production that only presents dancers! I feel sometimes ‘dancers’ are the second thought and are not given the spotlight , especially when it comes to commercial dance. Get ready Sydney! This is going to be an incredible boost to Australian Commercial Dance!
The Dream Dance Company’s “Genesis” will premier 1st of May – 3rd of May at NIDA Parade Theatre.
There will only be 5 shows!
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