All dancers need to keep their bodies in tip-top shape. In order to succeed as a paid professional we also need to be dancing to the BEST of our ability. Do you have the skills to be offered a job?
Many full-time Dance courses are available & will be auditioning soon. So if you want your body & dancing to be at its peak, enhance your performance skills, knowledge & passion for dance, then start preparing for your audition now!
I recently spoke with Sarah Boulter-Evans who is a director at Ev & Bow. Ev & Bow is a full-time dance training centre located in Southern Sydney. Many know Sarah as an outstanding choreographer, from Australia’s” So You Think You Can Dance”. Sarah gives us some audition advise.
We are looking for a dancer that shows self discipline , maturity creativity and sound technical attributes. We look for a dancer that has sensitivity of movement and also a dancer that appears to enjoy what he/ she is doing. Someone that has strong goals and focus , and whom is driven to seek opportunities. We look for a dancer that has knowledge about their craft. In our audition we are interested in learning about each individual dancer so it is important they be themselves.
Plan before hand to ensure the audition day goes smoothly & avoid last minute panic. Auditions can be gruelling. Attend regular classes to increase stamina.
Know the location & allow extra time for travel. Allow plenty of time for warm-up.
Have a nutritious breakfast that will sustain you. Low Gi foods break down slowly during digestion & release blood sugar gradually into the bloodstream. Low Gi breakfast foods include Muesli made from whole grains, breads-whole grain, whole wheat, whole rye or any combination, some cereal (rice, corn or maize tends to be high Gi however oats or wheat tend to be low to medium), eggs, most fruit & smoothies made from whole fruit & low fat yoghurt, milk with added oats.
Dress appropriately. Hair should be neat & tidy. If wearing make-up ensure that its natural, flattering & has staying power through the sweat. Make sure shoes are clean. In a nut-shell you want to knock their socks of so plan your wardrobe to ensure you stand out!
Spend time researching the best course for you. Courses vary from theatrical, classical or contemporary dance. They may include vocal training & many offer a vocational certificate upon completion. Fees will also vary. Some courses offer performance opportunities & keep you up-to -date with audition information.
Auditions for 2011 places are fast approaching for some of the best full-time courses throughout Australia.
For a listing of Full Time Courses for 2011 go to DanceLife’s Online Guide To Full Time HERE.
By Alana Hyde