Grants Available

Grants Available for Cultural Events

The following are a selection of community and project grants available for cultural events and programs and individuals currently on offer from the Australia Council for the Arts and the City of Sydney.

Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups: This program funds a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences. Grants are available from $10,000 to $50,000. Supported activities must last no longer than two years from the proposed start date. Closing 1 September. More here>>

Business Support Grant for Live Music and Performance or Night Time Diversification: The business support grant program supports strong and sustainable local businesses by supporting initiatives that stimulate the city’s precincts and the night-time economy. It provides matched support for businesses, property owners, not-for-profits, industry associations, local chambers of commerce and precinct associations. Closing August 31. More here >>

Festivals and Events Funding and Sponsorships: Through the festivals and events sponsorship program, the City aims to support festivals and events that celebrate, develop and engage the city’s communities. Closing August 31. More here >>

Knowledge Exchange Sponsorships: Supporting Sydney’s economic, social and cultural sector recovery, the knowledge exchange sponsorship program encourages sharing in knowledge, expertise, resources and skills. The sponsorship can include support for programs with a focus on cultural, social and community, economic or environmental outcomes. Closing September 21. More here >>

CBD activation matching grants: The CBD activation matching grant provides the opportunity for CBD based businesses and creative and cultural practitioners to work together for mutual benefit, to assist the economic and social recovery of the city.The matching grant program recognises any community contribution towards a project and can offer up to $10,000 support to match this contribution. Closing August 31 and November 16. More here >>