Young Dancer Uses Time at Home to Create Dance Videos

Up-and-coming young triple threat Trinity Mills has submitted her short dance film to DanceLife to share with our audience. Trinity, 12, from Perth, Western Australia, loves making videos in general, but during the two months she was in home isolation she was was inspired to create this video after hearing ‘Ocean Eyes’ by popular young artist Billie Eilish.
The lyrics of the song immediately resonated with Trinity as she lives nearby Quinns Rock Beach.
“I wanted to create videos using dance and costumes because I couldn’t go to dance classes or competitions due to COVID19; and when I heard that song’s music and its theme I thought I could create to it and use the locations where I live,” said Trinity.
“I listened to the lyrics and matched my costumes, movement and scenes to the music and words. I was inspired by the sea and song and had the time to put it all together.”
So, with plenty of free time to get creative, and with her mum on the GoPro video recorder, Trinity set about choreographing and performing her dance film concept, which she then edited to the final version using MovieMaker software.
Trinity has been dancing since she was a toddler and currently attends Powerhouse Dance Company. She loves animals, making videos, hanging our with her dance friends and she is passionate about dance and performing and hopes to one day make it her career. Her favourite genres are lyrical, contemporary and jazz and she also sings.
Like most dance students, Trinity has been trying to continue dance via Zoom classes, and while she says these online classes are “okay”, she has found it hard not seeing her friends and family face to face and that it has been a sad time. She is thrilled that both school and dance classes have recently resumed in Western Australia.
You can watch Trinity’s short dance video on YouTube here.
You can follow Trinity on Instagram @trinny_mini