Discount on New Dance Books

New Dance Book Titles from Human Kinetics

Get 10% Discount

Publisher Human Kinetics, which specialises in dance education and physical therapies books, has released several new titles of interest to the dance community.

Plus, DanceLife readers can get a 10% discount of the price of these new print book if purchased from their distributor’s website:

Use the code HKDance10 at the shopping cart to get your discount.

The discount offer is valid until 31 July 2021.

Attention and Focus in Dance  9781492594451

Retail $65.80

A science-based book that helps dancers unlock their power and stamina reserves, enabling efficient movement, heightening their sensory perception and releasing their dance potential. The book supports dancers in honing the skills of attention, focus and self-cueing to enhance their physical and artistic performance, replenish energy and take their dancing to the next level.

Teaching tips from Clare Guss-West on YouTube



Careers in Dance  9781492592723

Retail $54.95

To keep up with the expanding career opportunities in dance, read about the options in various settings and with various focuses, including commercial ventures, scholarly pursuits, administrative avenues, medical professions, and interdisciplinary opportunities.





Dance Appreciation  9781492592587

Retail $126.25

Readers will discover more about themselves, connect with dance, and make it a relevant and vital part of their lives. Dance Appreciation introduces the elements of dance and movement principles, explores various genres and styles, and helps students appreciate dance performances.




Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design 2E 9781492572398

Retail $143.75

A comprehensive model that prepares students to teach dance in school and community settings. It offers 14 sample dance units and many tools to help students learn to teach various dance forms, create effective lesson and unit plans, and develop a curriculum that meets arts and education standards.




To use these textbooks as core texts in your class, or to make a bulk purchase, please contact Wendy Simpson at Human Kinetics via: