Fun Dance Events to Get Girls Moving
Dance for the Love of it!
You may have seen the recent government advertising campaign called Girls Make Your Move aimed at getting teenage girls more active.
The campaign is about inspiring, energising and empowering young women to be more active regardless of ethnicity, size or ability.
Studies show that young women are twice as likely as boys to be inactive and that they experience more barriers preventing them from being as physically active, hence why the campaign is targeting girls.
One of the innovative events being held in various cities is No Lights No Lycra – a dance-in-the-dark movement that now spans across 75 locations worldwide. The idea is that there are no lights, no judgement. It’s just a place to completely be yourself. These free dance parties are for young women to come together and experience dancing while nobody’s watching and lose themselves in the music. Its designed to be a judgement free zone and provides a great way to get active and have fun with your friends (or make new ones).
The NLNL Dance Community was started in Melbourne by two unruly dance students, Alice Glenn and Heidi Barrett in 2009. Learn more about this community nolightsnolycra.com.
Information on all events on the Girls Make Your Move program can be found at campaigns.health.gov.au