OneMusic Fee Relief

OneMusic Announces Licensing Fee Relief for Dance Studios and Events

From this week, OneMusic Australia will be applying fee-relief to all of their COVID-19 affected customers ⏤ those that were forced by Commonwealth or State governments to close their doors for a time this year during the pandemic.

OneMusic was one of the first dance industry suppliers to put a halt to all commercial activity to those customers hit by COVID-19 closures. For now, Victorian licensing activity still remains on hold.

As soon as the pandemic hit, OneMusic Australia felt that the fairest thing to do was press ‘pause’ on licensing affected business sectors, as they understand it’s been a difficult time for everyone. The COVID-19 fee-relief for these customers will be credited to each affected customer’s account.

Most dance and performance school customers with straightforward accounts will be notified in writing of an automatic four month fee-relief being applied to their account. They have added some extra fee-relief in there because they understand that even when they were allowed to re-open, social distancing restricted their trade.

OneMusic will contact a small group of customers directly with more complex music use/business structures to ensure they get the fee-relief exactly right for them.

OneMusic has introduced the Live Streaming Allowance for fitness, wellbeing and dance classes, council library sessions, community music group activities, etc which will iperate until September 30.

There is nothing OneMusic customers need to do;  just wait for an email in their inbox.

If you were fortunate enough to continue trading under the pandemic ⏤ and no government restrictions were imposed on your sector ⏤ then they thank you for your continued custom and hope their music helped to keep spirits up.

Victorian businesses will not be part of this initial campaign and will likely need additional fee-relief. Conditions and fees affecting Victorian licensees will be worked out at a later date.

While everyone stayed at home and watched and waited for restrictions to be lifted, and then waited some more; OneMusic was sensitive to the time it may take for a business to get back to pre-COVID-19 trading and the social distancing rules which reduced the numbers of customers allowed on-site which have been taken into account.

They also state that their music creator members, who also took a huge hit to their income, and the Boards that represent them, were understanding that they had to wait it out also.

At the end of this week, OneMusic customers will start to receive emails about their fee-relief status.

For more information on music licensing fees and fee-relief at this time visit:

Keep up to date with OneMusic developments on Facebook and their website.