REVIEW | Limbo Unhinged

Limbo Unhinged

The Studio, Sydney Opera House, 10 January

Review by Michelle Slender

Photo David Solm

I had no idea what to expect from Limbo Unhinged and I really think that’s the best way to prepare yourself! Read our previous article on this show here.
Sydney’s Opera House provided a small intimate, smoky setting – perfect for the show I was about to witness.
The show opened with the sexy cast members introducing themselves cat-walk style to live music.
Following this was such a vast variety of brilliant acts ranging from impressive circus skills to super-sexy men break dancing in fluoro budgie smugglers and platform heels. This show is not for the faint hearted!
One minute a beautiful French girl was engaging us with an incredible fire breathing routine and the next she was playing base in the band!
Another gave us a hilarious comedy sketch and then was beat boxing at the top of a very high bendy pole!
Every member could play an instrument or sing and did so between their acts.
Photo Nathaniel Mason

Body percussion, laser shows, tap dancing, sword swallowing! The list goes on. You had no idea if the next act was going to come from a door in the floor or out from the audience. It was exciting and surprising throughout.
An absolutely brilliant show full of multi-talented, sexy, quirky, humorous cast members, making the audience gasp and providing the ultimate ‘element of surprise’.

Limbo Unhinged

Studio, Sydney Opera House

Until 3 March 2018


Watch a sample of Limbo Unhinged here:


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