Whenever a big audition is announced dozens of people contact me with questions like…
“I’m not sure if I’m a good enough dancer for the show. Should I go for it?”
I’ll share the advice Australia’s adored triple threat Caroline O’Connor gave me when I asked her a similar question some years ago.
She said, “Tia, if we have an opportunity to audition, then we must.”
“Of course we must.” I thought. “What am I? A dabbler?”
Then like the angel of musical theatre, Caroline uttered some words that ought to have been accompanied by a vision of sunshine beaming through parted clouds.
She said, “This is what we do.”
Shazzam. Those words snapped me out of my doubtful hypnosis. Instantly I remembered the brave community I belonged to, and I felt a duty to audition. Like magic I could see the role we play in our industry.
To this day, that conversation resounds in my mind. It’s amazing because now, more than ever I get to see how difficult it is to cast shows sometimes. Just ask any casting director.
So in short this means,
1. Go for it! Don’t you decide if you are right or not right for a show. Audition for whatever you can.
2. Put yourself on the line! Be confident to walk in proudly to an audition and do your best. Trust your training will get you there.
3. Let it go! The decision is out of your control. After your audition be proud of your work. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. NEXT!
By Audition Guru Tia Jordan