Debbie Ellis chats to DanceLife!

Debbie Ellis Linnert Debbie is a renowned dance teacher and choreographer and is well known for her dynamic and inspirational work. Over the past 20 years Debbie has gained a wealth of experience both as an international and residential teacher/ choreographer. During this time Debbie… Read Article

Ashleigh & Sam Interview – SYTYCD

Ashleigh Tavares & Sam Malseed came SO CLOSE to making the TOP 4 of this season’s So You Think You Can Dance but sadly missed out when they were eliminated last week. Nothing could have dampened their spirits though as they both admit they could not have been happier or more surpr… Read Article

Sam & Ashleigh eliminated – TOP 4 ANNOUNCED!

DanceLatest News
So You Think You Can Dance Australia. This week Ashleigh Tavares, NSW, 20, and Sam Malseed, SA, 18 worked their hardest to stay in the running for Australia’s favorite dancer title. Jazz dancer Ashleigh Tavares and contemporary dancer Sam Malseed were sadly eliminated from the S… Read Article

Patric Kuo & Zoey Black interview – SYTYCD!

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So You Think You Can Dance Australia. Elimination #6 Zoey Black, NSW, 22 and Patric Kuo, NSW, 20 Another two dreams were shattered in a twist that saw jazz dancer Zoey Black and urban dancer Patric Kuo sent packing in the sixth double elimination of the season. Zoey was teamed with urban tap… Read Article

Stephen & Maddie ….. SYTYCD Top 12 Elimination

DanceLatest News
Contemporary dancer Maddie Peat and jazz dancer Stephen Perez were so close, yet so far away, to securing their place in the coveted Top 10 of So You Think You Can Dance last night. They were joined in the bottom six by urban dancers Blond and Patric Kuo and jazz dancers Renelle Jones and Laur… Read Article

SYTYCD – Top 20 Bios

DanceLatest News
Like to know a little more about the TOP 20 before you cast your votes?? Here is a quick bio on each of the Top 20 Contestants!! Happy Voting Everyone!!! Ashleigh Age: 20 State: NSW Dance Specialty: Jazz Occuptation: Dancer/Sales Assistant “I was comfortable both at work and at home, but cr… Read Article

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