ASK THE PHYSIO | Let’s Talk Feet? Part 2

Health & Wellbeing
Take a SnapShot at Our Wonderful Feet Part 2 by Sally Harrison from Pro-Align & Strength4Dance How did you go with the information and videos in part 1?  Did you try some daily foot releases and mobility drills?  More time barefoot? Did you notice how this affected your muscle action h… Read Article

ASK THE PHYSIO | Let’s Talk Feet?

Health & Wellbeing
Take a SnapShot at Our Wonderful Feet Part 1 by Sally Harrison from Pro-Align & Strength4Dance As we head into the start of 2022 you may be heading into full time training, maybe embarking on a new project or contract, or maybe this is the year to open up your own school or teach some regul… Read Article

ASK THE PHYSIO | How To Breathe

Health & Wellbeing
Breathe In … and Out The Art of Optimal Breathing for Dance by Sally Harrison, Perfect Form Physiotherapy Breathing truly is the foundation of life. It is the method by which we get the transfer of oxygen into our lungs for absorption into the circulation. It is also how we can contro… Read Article

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