ASK THE PHYSIO | Start 2021 Strong

Health & Wellbeing
Let’s Get 2021 Off to a Strong Start … At Home Program for Dancers Know Your Movement by Sally Harrison from Pro-Align & Strength4Dance If you were like me, it was a strong start to 2020 full of plans, commitments and trips and then … BOOM! … nope! It all changed. Personally… Read Article

ASK THE PHYSIO | The Pyramid of Performance

Health & Wellbeing
The Pyramid of Performance Stacking the Right Elements to be a Peak Performer by Sally Harrison from Band-ITS & Strength4Dance We’ve heard the expression “practice makes perfect.”  But have you ever found that no matter how hard you try, or how many times you repeat something, it j… Read Article

ASK THE PHYSIO | Functional Movement

Health & Wellbeing
Functional Exercise for Dancers (Part 1) The 7 Movements We Need to Get Really Strong by Sally Harrison from Band-ITS & Strength4Dance Functional exercise has become a bit of a buzz word in the fitness world recently ⏤ but what does it actually mean and how can we apply it to our dance pr… Read Article

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