Nutrition & Immunity During COVID-19

Health & Wellbeing
Staying Healthy at Home COVID-19 Nutrition Survival Packs from Body Fusion Article by Body Fusion Nutrition & Dietetics So it’s all getting a little bit crazy out there in the wild world in relation to the spread of the COVID-19 Virus. Understandably so, with its contagious nature r… Read Article
RECIPE | Baked Beans

RECIPE | Baked Beans

Health & Wellbeing
Food for Dancers Homemade Baked Beans Recipe by Body Fusion While canned baked beans can be a quick and easy high protein meal for dancers on the run, they actually contain very high amounts of salt and sugar and are highly processed with additives and colours. The better alternative is to… Read Article

DANCE NUTRITION | Boost Your Immunity

Health & Wellbeing
Using Food to Boost Your Immunity by the Dancing Dietitians at Body Fusion Sniffle season is well and truly here! Nutrition plays a crucial role in building a healthy immune system. Dancers are even more likely to fall sick due to their high physical activity load, long tiring class sched… Read Article

NUTRITION | Boost your Iron for Energy

Health & Wellbeing
Energy Boosting Nutrition Tips! The Importance of Iron PLUS!… Chickpea, Broccoli, Zucchini & Basil Pasta Recipe Many dancers aren’t aware of the importance of the mineral iron, but it’s fundamental to delivering enough energy to your cells. Iron’s main job is to he… Read Article


DanceLatest News
If you are serious about becoming a professional performer or dance teacher, there will come a time to take the next step in your training and look at FULL TIME COURSES. DANCELIFE brings you our annual Dance & Performing Arts FULL TIME COURSES GUIDE for 2018! This guide has been create… Read Article


There are some very talented people out there doing some great stuff so we thought we would share it with you all. Firstly The Squared Division made up of Ashley Evans and Antony Ginandjar have had their hands full lately. They have been working with Amy Pearson on her new album taking on the… Read Article

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