Sharp Short Dance | Applications Open

YOUNG DANCERS & CHOREOGRAPHERS WANTED for SHARP SHORT DANCE 2015 – Win Industry Placement! Applications are now open for visionary and creative dancers and choreographers, aged 21 years and under, to take part in Sharp Short Dance, a dance festival coordinated by FORM Da… Read Article

What's on in May – Theatre and Dance

Musical Theatre
Here’s whats on in the world of Musical Theatre and Dance in May for Australia and New Zealand! NSW: Les Miserables Throughout May Capitol Theatre Tickets: Here *** The Rocky Horror Show Throughout May Sydney Lyric, The Star Tickets: Here *** The Dream The Australian Ballet 29th A… Read Article

The Dream Dance Company – GENESIS

Latest News
The Dream Dance Company presents GENESIS, the birth of a new Australian commercial dance company featuring an all star cast of the top professional dancers in Australia. Featuring some of the alumni of So You Think You can Dance Australia. Founded by one of Australia’s most estee… Read Article

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