REVIEW | Billy Elliot

Musical TheatreReviews
Billy Elliot Still Tugs at the Heartstrings and Has the Crowd Cheering Him On Lyric Theatre, Sydney, Friday October 18th reviewed by Heather Clements These days the 2000 film Billy Elliot is firmly established as a British classic and everyone is familiar with the storyline of the boy fr… Read Article
Jamie Rogers, River Mardesic, Omar Abiad, and Wade Neilsen. Photo James D Morgan

Meet The Billys!

Musical Theatre
Four Boys Cast in New Production of Billy Elliot The Musical 10th Anniversary Australian Tour 2019/20 The producers of Billy Elliot the Musical have announced they have found the four incredible young actors who will play the title role in the multi award-winning smash hit’s 10th Anniv… Read Article

Billy Elliot Returning in 2019!

Musical Theatre
Elton John & Lee Hall with original Australian cast of BILLY ELLIOT THE MUSICAL in 2007. Photo James D Morgan[/caption] New 10th Anniversary production of Billy Elliot The Musical returns in 2019 Sydney | Melbourne | Perth | Brisbane | Adelaide Universal Theatrical Group, Working… Read Article

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