31 Days of Uninterrupted Independent Dance

March Dance Has Begun! The Festival Is Up and RUNNING! By Linda Badger In its fourth iteration, March Dance is shaping up to be the premier dance festival in NSW, an annual celebration of independent dance and creativity. It has gone to great lengths to give us the most immersive, educatio… Read Article

The Right Foot: Emerging Makers Program

  DirtyFeet’s The Right Foot Emerging Makers is Here About DirtyFeet DirtyFeet is a not-for-profit contemporary dance organisation based in Sydney, supporting independent dance artists and promoting community engagement in the arts. Our programs provide opportunit… Read Article

Iso-Somatic Sessions

Health & Wellbeing
Guided Meditation Sessions for Artists Presented by Dance Makers Collective The good people at Dance Makers Collective realise the incredible stress this year has placed on everyone, particularly artists. As the world moves fast, even when a crisis locks you down, it’s easy to… Read Article

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