REVIEW | One Single Action

One Single Action A Masterpiece of Precision and Fluidity Reviewed by Brendan Daynes One Single Action, the latest creation from acclaimed choreographer Lucy Guerin, sees two dancers navigating a narrow path, moving fluidly between conflict and harmony This journey, brought to lif… Read Article

Interview with Lucy Guerin – RISING 2024

Rising Festival 2024 Founder Lucy Guerin Inc Interview by Chris Duncan Award-winning choreographer Lucy Guerin was born in Adelaide, Australia, and graduated from the Centre for Performing Arts in 1982 before dancing with Russell Dumas (Dance Exchange) and Nanette Hassall (Dancew… Read Article

RISING Festival 2024: Dance Program Highlights

RISING Festival 2024 Dance Program Highlights The RISING festival in Melbourne this year unveils a dance program filled with innovative and thought-provoking performances. From world premieres to unique narrative explorations, the festival is set to captivate audiences with its… Read Article

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