Lauren, Renelle & Jay Interview – SYTYCD

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Tell us a bit about your SYTYCD journey – how did it start and what did you learn along the way? Renelle: My journey really started with my husband encouraging me to ‘go for it’ and I was reluctant because I was just studying at Uni and I wasn’t a professional dancer… Read Article

Michael Dameski Takes The Crown

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So You Think You Can Dance Australia came to a spectacular conclusion tonight, as Michael Dameski was crowned the winner during the live Grand Final. Contemporary dancer Michael, 18, from New South Wales, received the highest number of audience votes and danced off with the cash pri… Read Article

Sam & Ashleigh eliminated – TOP 4 ANNOUNCED!

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So You Think You Can Dance Australia. This week Ashleigh Tavares, NSW, 20, and Sam Malseed, SA, 18 worked their hardest to stay in the running for Australia’s favorite dancer title. Jazz dancer Ashleigh Tavares and contemporary dancer Sam Malseed were sadly eliminated from the S… Read Article

Chris & Yukino tell us about SYTYCD!

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On a night of spectacular performances to global number one hits, urban dancer Yukino McHugh and super-smiley jazz dancer Chris Tsattalios had their journey to become Australia’s favourite dancer cut short. After lacking the votes of the Australian public, they were sent home in the f… Read Article

SYTYCD – Sally & Joel Talk!

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Another two dreams were shattered last night, as urban dancers Sally Hare and Joel Rasmussen were sent home after the second elimination of So You Think You Can Dance Australia. The bottom six this week proved that amazing dancers could still find themselves lacking a connection to the A… Read Article

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