Waru – Journey of the Small Turtle at Arts Centre Melbourne

 Waru – Journey of the Small Turtle!

Arts Centre Melbourne

Bangarra’s first dedicated work for children, Waru – journey of the small turtle will have its Melbourne debut at Arts Centre Melbourne’s Fairfax Studio from 15 -19 September. A contemporary saltwater Lagaw Kazil (Island Children) story inspired by the totemic system of the green turtle, the work is an interactive and immersive introduction to Torres Strait Islander culture and dance for 3–7-year-olds.

Under the star-illuminated skies of the Torres Strait, a green turtle navigates her way back to the beach where she was born. The season has started, the turtles are returning to nest, and soon the island will welcome a new generation of hatchlings – amongst them, our small turtle friend, Migi! Audiences are taken on an adventure as heroine Migi undertakes a journey of discovery and survival.

Created by Bangarra’s former Artistic Director and multi award-winning choreographer Stephen Page, together with Hunter Page-Lochard and Bangarra alumni Dancers and Choreographers Sani Townson and Elma KrisWaru provides parents, caregivers and teachers with a unique opportunity to open conversations about climate change, caring for the environment and the traditional cultural values of respect and reciprocity.

Waru writer Hunter Page-Lochard said:

“I’m thrilled to be able to work with my father on a children’s-based show, especially now that I have a two-year-old daughter.

I’m excited to be able to share the culture and stories of fellow creatives Sani and Elma with the youth community. Being a part of Play School has given me an even greater appreciation of the importance of sharing culture with young people in Australia today.”

The work was inspired in part by Turtle (Corroboree, 2001), choreographed by Stephen Page, Peggy Misi, and Elma Kris.

The production will be presented as part of Arts Centre Melbourne’s year-round Families and Children Program. Launched in August 2009, it has grown in reputation to become a highly respected program nationally and internationally. Featuring intimate and large-scale theatre from some of the world’s most respected companies and a diverse range of interactive workshops, the program is robust and growing in size, scale, and scope.