Yuldea by Bangarra Dance Theatre

A Desert World on Stage

From the Incomparable Storytellers of Bangarra Dance Theatre Comes a Major New Work

Frances Rings’ (a local Umina resident) first work as Artistic Director is a ceremonial affirmation of history and heritage. Yuldea awakens the earth and sky worlds to tell the story of the Aṉangu people of the Great Victorian Desert.

Yuldea explores the moment traditional life collided with the industrial ambition of a growing nation. In 1917, the two halves of the Transcontinental Railway met at the precious water soak on the edge of the Nullarbor, Yuldi Kapi.

Within my family lineage lies the stories of forefathers and mothers who lived a dynamic, sophisticated desert life, leaving their imprint scattered throughout Country like memories suspended in time. Their lives were forever changed by the impact of colonial progress,” said Frances Rings Umina resident and choreographer of Yuldea. The Art House is thrilled to host Frances’ as a Central Coast local and renowned Australian artist.

Art House Wyong | Darkinjung Country
1 – 2 March 2024

Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre | Yuin Nation
6 March 2024

Griffith Regional Theatre | Wiradjuri Country
9 March 2024

Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre | Wiradjuri Country
13 March 2024

Dubbo Regional Theatre | Wiradjuri Country
16 March 2024

Capitol Theatre, Tamworth | Kamilaroi Country
20 March 2024

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